Ordem e desordem em "Fora da ordem"
Palabras clave:
Caetano Veloso, semiotics, melody, lyrics, musicResumen
This work aimed to demonstrate that the sense formulated with popular song resources comes simultaneously from its linguistic and melodic components. From the analysis of the song “Fora da Ordem”, by Caetano Veloso, it was possible to verify that both the situations of precipitation and haste as well as the signs of a certain arrangement of the lyric contents shift to the melodic sector of the song where they are reinforced by intonation and musical treatments. In otherwords, this article suggests that, thanks to particular arrangement techniques, lyrics and melody alternate themselves in such a way to ensure to the song its homogeneous sense.Descargas
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Cómo citar
Lopes, I. C., & Tatit, L. (2003). Ordem e desordem em "Fora da ordem". Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 4-5, 86-107. https://periodicos.usp.br/teresa/article/view/116366