Terminology of Solar Radiation: development of a bilingual glossary (Portuguese-French)
Translation, Terminology, Solar Radiation, Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Bilingual GlossaryAbstract
This article aims to describe the process of elaborating a bilingual (Portuguese-French) glossary of Solar Radiation terms, presenting the compilation of a specialized corpus of study, the collection of terms, the comparison of descriptive traits in the search for equivalences and the writing of the micro and macrostructure. The terminology of Solar Radiation – subarea of Photovoltaic Solar Energy – is characterized as multidisciplinary: it has its own terms and also terms borrowed from other fields of knowledge. Identifying these terminological units and searching for their equivalents in other languages for terminological purposes are necessary tasks to assist professionals and apprentices of the field, as well as translators of technical documents, since, with the increasingly widespread use of Photovoltaic Solar Energy, the translation of books and technical manuals, contracts and advertisements – which bring with them Solar Radiation terms, begin to be part of the reality of the translator. For this study, we used the concepts of the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CABRÉ, 1999), the tools of Corpus Linguistics, through AntConc (ANTHONY, 2014) and the textual matches method (DUBUC, 1985) to search for synonymy and equivalence relations.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Renata Tonini Bastianello, Adriana Zavaglia

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