About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Via Atlântica journal, a bi-annual peer-reviewed publication by the Graduate Program in Lusophone Comparative Studies at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, aims to bring scholars from Brazil and abroad the results of investigations carried out by experts in the fields of Lusophone Comparative Studies, Comparative Literature, Literature for Children and Youngsters, Lusophone African Literature, Brazilian Literature, Portuguese Literature and other Lusophone literatures and cultures.

It is also part of Via Atlântica’s scope the publication of articles that address the interdisciplinary relations of literature to other art forms and to other fields of knowledge.

Every issue of Via Atlântica comprises a leading “Thematic Section” and other eventual sections as “Other Essays”, “Interviews” and “Reviews” of books of interest to Lusophone Comparative Studies and related areas.

Via Atlântica is rated in CNPq’s fields of knowledge table as an Other Vernacular Literatures publication (

Submissions can be made in a stream, observing the closing date of the thematic Dossiers specified in the Calls option. Submissions not intended for the thematic dossier may be published in the following four semesters or in one of the four consecutive ordinary numbers following submission.

Futher informations may be found in Author Guidelines section.

Authors interested in publishing their articles in Via Atlântica can submit their works to any of the sections listed below:

  • Thematic Section: for original and previously unpublished articles that address the issue’s theme;
  • Other Essays: for articles and essays on Lusophone Comparative Studies, Comparative Literature and other related fields within the journal’s scope and not necessarily linked to the issue’s thematic subject;
  • Reviews;
  • Interviews with writers, researchers, critics, professors working in fields of Lusophone Comparative Studies, Comparative Literature, Literature for Children and Youngsters, Lusophone African Literature, Brazilian Literature, Portuguese Literature and Lusophone Literatures and Cultures of Goa, Macau, Timor Leste and the Diaspora, Inter-Arts Comparatism and Comparatism among Fields of Knowledge. The journal also accepts interviews related to its editorial policy and/or to the issue’s thematic proposal. 

Peer Review Process

Submissions can be sent in a continuous flow, for the sections “Other Essays” and “Reviews”. Submissions for the “Thematic Section” must respect the deadline specified in the respective Call for Papers.

All the submitted articles will be evaluated by at least two ad hoc reviewers through the blind peer-reviewing process.

We reinforce that all the submissions will be evaluated primarily according to the criteria of originality and non-previous publishing. Before being evaluated by their peers, articles submitted to the magazine Via Atlântica are checked by the plagiarism identification tool iThenticate. Authors undertake to ensure the originality of their submissions and should explicitly and correctly cite their sources and references (bibliographical, iconographical, graphical, and of all general data).

Publication Frequency

The Via Atlântica Journal is published twice a year (June, December), in electronic format. The printed format ended in number 24.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, according to the principle that granting freely available scientific knowledge to the public supports greater global democratization of knowledge.

VIA ATLÂNTICA does not charge publication fees of its contributing authors.


Sources of Support