Clarice on the edge or the childhoods's reverse




Juvenile narrative, Picturebook, Object book, Aesthetic experimentalism, Literary Canon


In Clarice, a girl reflects on the mysterious environment in which she finds herself since her mother disappeared and her father left without explanation. Seeking to understand these events, she remains immersed in her thoughts, unaware that the culprit is the Brazilian dictatorial regime, the background of the novel. Here, visual and verbal text come together to form the puzzle of Clarice's mind, and this is how the principles of the picturebook is transposed to a juvenile story, a genre that traditionally works only with text. The result is a narrative that turn itself into an object beyond words, making use of the most varied resources in the composition of its meaning.



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Author Biography

  • Mell Brites, Unesp - Assis

    Mell Brites is executive editor at Grupo Companhia das Letras, in charge of its children’s and educational list. She has won the New Horizons Digital Prize (Bologna, Italy, 2012) and was finalist at BOP Best Children's Publisher of the Year (Bologna, Italy, 2017). She is on her PhD studies at Unesp-Assis, and has a master in Brazilian Literature (University of São Paulo) about “The concept of childhood in Clarice Lispector’s children’s books and short stories”, and has published many articles on the subject. She gives a course at Tomie Ohtake institute about children’s literature history, and was a fellow at the Internationale Jugenbibliothek (2018).


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How to Cite

BRITES, Mell. Clarice on the edge or the childhoods’s reverse. Via Atlântica, São Paulo, v. 23, n. 2, p. 346–374, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/va.i42.190119. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 mar. 2025.