We are not Iracema: the image of indigenous women being (re)written in the arts and literature


  • Ellen Cristine Cruz de Lima Universidade do Minho




colonialism, representation, indigenous, women, Yacunã Tuxá


Colonization created several images about indigenous subjects and these representations mythologized and reduced their subjectivities over time. In the case of indigenous women, this imaginary was configured in an even more problematic way since, in addition to being inscribed in a binary colonial logic, these bodies were historically constructed and fixed on the models of a patriarchal society. This work presents a reading different from these fabrications with the work We are not Iracema by the artist and illustrator Yacunã Tuxá, an indigenous woman of the Tuxá Nation, who questions these paradigms and presents a questioning and contemporary look in her works.


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Author Biography

  • Ellen Cristine Cruz de Lima, Universidade do Minho
    Doutoradomento em Modernidades Comparadas: Literaturas, Artes e Culturas, pela Universidade do Minho, Portugal.      


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Dossiê 44: Colonialismo/orientalismo: figuras e figurações do Império em narrati

How to Cite

LIMA, Ellen Cristine Cruz de. We are not Iracema: the image of indigenous women being (re)written in the arts and literature. Via Atlântica, São Paulo, v. 25, n. 1, p. 709–735, 2024. DOI: 10.11606/va.i1.199345. Disponível em: https://periodicos.usp.br/viaatlantica/article/view/199345.. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.