Efeitos do treinamento físico específico nas respostas cardiorrespiratórias e metabólicas em repouso e no exercício máximo em jogadores de futebol profissional
Exercise, Soccer, Heart Rate, Arterial PressureAbstract
The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of the specific training on the cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses in sixteen male professional soccer players, aged 24.2 ± 3.6 years. They were evaluated before and after fifteen weeks of specific training. All subjects were submitted to an exercise test on treadmill, using the Ellestad’s protocol. The heart rate was recorded by means of ECG, and the arterial blood pressure by auscultatory measurement. Oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production and pulmonary ventilation were measured by a Measurement Metabolic Cart (Beckman). The maximum anaerobic capacity was evaluated by blood lactate concentration, using an automated analyser. The specific training did not modify the maximum heart rate (192 ± 8 versus 186 ± 6 beats.min-1) and the maximum systolic blood pressure (196 ± 10 versus 198 ± 8 mmHg). The maximum respiratory ventilation was significantly increased by specific training (129 ± 19 versus 140 ± 16 L.min-1), whereas the maximum aerobic capacity was not significantly increased (50 ± 6 versus 53 ± 5 ml.kg.-1min-1 ofO2). On the other hand, the maximum anaerobic capacity improved significantly (8.3± 0 .2 vs 9.8 ± 2.4 mmol.L-1). In conclusion : 1) the specific training used in the present study did not modify the heart rate and arterial blood pressure responses at rest and during maximum exercise; 2) the improvement of maximum pulmonary ventilation and the higher lactic acid concentration during maximum exercise demonstrated that the exercise training used in this study was caracterized by predominantly intense exercise and 3) the specific training was not an adequate stimuli to improve the maximum aerobic capacity of the soccer players.
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