Neurophysiological comparative response to clinical and surgical treatment of the ulnar neuropathy in leprosy


  • Marianna Cossi Monseff Borela Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima – ILSL
  • Milton Cury Filho Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima – ILSL
  • Daniel Rocco Kirchner Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima – ILSL
  • Manuel Henrique Salgado Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP
  • Marcos da Cunha Lopes Virmond Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE
  • José Antonio Garbino Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima – ILSL



Ulnar Neuropathies, Leprosy, Neural Conduction


Leprosy  neuropathy  may  develop  into  subacute  and  chronic  inflammatory  scenarios, called reactions, which may cause entrapments in the anatomic tunnels.  Objective: This study describes the late nerve conduction findings  in patients with ulnar neuropathy at the elbow that were submitted to clinical and surgery treatments.  Methods: A total of 27 nerves  of  21  patients  with  borderline  leprosy  during  type  1  (reversal)  reaction  were selected in a non- competing retrospective cohort for three years. The nerves with treated clinically   active   neuropathy (Group   A1) were   randomized   for   inclusion   of   surgical treatment (Group A2) after one month of clinical treatment without clear signs of clinical and neurophysiological improvement. Fifteen nerves were randomly chosen for surgery while  12  were  clinically  treated,  after  steroids  treatment  without  expected  response. Nerve conduction was measured before and after treatment on four occasions. Results: The authors observed significant improvement in the following variables in the surgically treated nerves: compound motor action potential amplitude (CMAP) at elbow and above elbow and conduction velocity (CV) along the forearm.  Conclusion: The improvement of CMAP amplitudes and conduction velocity (CV) along the forearm express the late effect of nerve decompression. Persistence of temporal dispersion (TD) along  the  elbow  was  related  to  the  new  reaction  or  to  incomplete  surgical  solution. However, moderate  reduction  in  CV  along  the  elbow,  without  TD,  was  considered an indication  of na expected  partial  remyelination.  Previous  gradation  of  the  nerve  lesion  based  on  the CMAP amplitude was related to the most severe results.


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How to Cite

Borela MCM, Cury Filho M, Kirchner DR, Salgado MH, Virmond M da CL, Garbino JA. Neurophysiological comparative response to clinical and surgical treatment of the ulnar neuropathy in leprosy. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];27(3):125-30. Available from: