Content validation of Mobility Scale and Mobility Ruler (PERMo) in the assessment of mobility for hospitalized patients with stroke
Stroke, Gait, Motor Skills, Mobility Limitation, Validation Study, Physical Therapy ModalitiesAbstract
Mobility limitations in post-stroke patients can be assessed by scales as long as they have confirmed validity and reliability. Objective: To determine the content validity of a Protocol for Mobility Scale and Mobility Ruler (PERMo) in the mobility assessment of hospitalized patients after stroke. Methods: Validity study, in which a committee of experts with eight participants evaluated the content of the PERMo. For each PERMo item to be valid, all content validity indices (CVIs) should be >80%. Results: After four rounds of content validity evaluation, a final version of the protocol was established. In the third round, only one item related to the patient's ability to roll presented a CVI of 75%. All PERMo items were considered adequate in the fourth round, with CVIs ranging from 88% to 100%. The experts proposed changes in the PERMo throughout the four rounds, consistent with their quantitative assessment. The researchers accepted all of the suggestions. Conclusion: The appropriate CVIs obtained in the final version of the PERMo emphasized a consensus among experts in understanding that the instrument is valid for assessing mobility in hospitalized post-stroke patients.
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