Adolescence and knowledge metabolisation


  • Nicole Clerk Universidade de Paris 10, Nanterre, França; Equipe Savoirs et rapport au savoir
  • Viviane Veras Universidade de Paris 10, Nanterre, França; Equipe Savoirs et rapport au savoir



Incorporation, Relation to knowledge, Relation to the body


A clinical research explores the relation to knowledge and learning of low ability teenagers and their images and conception of academic learning. How is their intimate ego structured to apprehend knowledge and learning? The analysis of the behaviour of these young people when confronted to learning, shows that -for some of them-, learning causes emotional troubles that lead them to a form of unconscious withdrawal into a "physical" form of ego, showing their capacity to "learn through their bodies". We then discuss the anthropological and Freudian views of the concept of "incorporation" and "introjection". We then study the relationship between their incapability to "digest" knowledge and their deep expectation from the adults to "predigest " knowledge for them; to describe this, referring to Bion, I use the expression "dreamed metabolisation ".


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How to Cite

Clerk, N., & Veras, V. (2007). Adolescence and knowledge metabolisation. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 12(22), 48-67.