Clavicle, Cantareira, and Saboneteira: the varieties of Formosan Portuguese
Clavicle, Variant, Cantareira, SaboneteiraAbstract
This research aims to analyze the term "clavicle" based on the speech of the residents/migrants of Formoso do Araguaia - TO, tracing sociolinguistic representations in the semantic-lexical context of those born or living in this community. The central question is to understand how this lexeme presents such variations. A qualitative approach is used, based on Thun's (2010) Pluridimensional and Relational Dialectology, and the technique of three steps: asking, insisting, and suggesting, applying question 106 from the QSL: "What is the name of the bone that goes from the neck to the shoulder?" Data collection was divided into two inquiry points: urban and rural, with 48 informants in four groups, representing varieties of Portuguese: Maranhense (PM), Gaúcho (PG), Caipira (PC), and Ribeirinho (PR), and across two generations, younger (GI) and older (GII), both male and female. The analyses focused on the occurrence, frequency, and divergence of lexemes and were documented in polyformic and status maps of the form. Thus, this research contributes by highlighting the predominant lexemes in the community, as well as offering relevant insights for society in general and dialectal studies across the country.
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