Oral stressed vowels of the Príncipe Kabuverdianu: a phonetic analysis





Kabuverdianu, São Tomé and Príncipe, Oral stressed vowels, Acoustic description


With the Cape Verdean migration to São Tomé and Príncipe, which began in 1903, Kabuverdianu was taken to the Gulf of Guinea and became part of the region's linguistic ecology. Considering this scenario, this study focuses on Kabuverdianu from the island of Príncipe (KVP), presenting an acoustic phonetic description of the first (F1) and second formants (F2) and the duration that characterize the oral stressed vowels in this language. As corpora, we use data collected in Príncipe in 2018 with four speakers of Kabuverdianu as their mother tongue (Bandeira; Freitas, 2018). The data were analyzed using the Praat program (Boersma; Weenick, 2022). In tonic position, nine oral vowel phones were found ([i, e, ɛ, ə, ɐ, a, ɔ, o, u]), expanding the descriptions of Santiago’s kabuverdianu that mentioned only 2 central vowels. The behavior of mid vowels and central vowels suggests that acoustic dispersion is relevant in defining the language’s vowels. The middle vowels seem to be closer to each other (with the difference between F1 being 75 Hz for the front and 98 Hz for the back). This fact acoustically brings together the mid-high and mid-low vowels, since the two pairs ([e] and [ɛ], [o] and [ɔ]) become less dispersed in the acoustic space.



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How to Cite

Freitas, S., & Balduino, A. M. . (2024). Oral stressed vowels of the Príncipe Kabuverdianu: a phonetic analysis. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 26(2), 285-308. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2176-9419.v26i2p285-308