
Filologia e Linguística Portuguesa, 'Portuguese Philology and Linguistics', offers full open access, with no costs, to all articles published since 1997, in our website hosted at SIBI-USP (the Integrated Libraries System of the University of São Paulo). Additionally, the journal´s materials may also be accessed at important national and international Digital Repositories and Databases. With this, we aim at increasing the visibility and impact of the journal´s published articles, as well as securing our own permanent attendance to the strict editorial quality guidelines required in some of the more selective databases. In this spirit, FLP is presently indexed in the following Database Indexes: : As a self-archiving database, is not a curated index; however, with over 63.000.000 users worldwide, it is becoming a central hub for academic visibility via sharing and interchange;
Diadorim: The central, largest and most important curated database for Brazilian open-access journals, managed by the Brazilian Institute for Cientific and Technological Information, IBICT (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia)
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ is the largest and most acknowledged international curated database for open-access scholarly material, with over 10.000 open-access digital journals
EZB - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek: University of Regensburg/Munich Library's Eletronic Journals Library, with over 63.000  international journals, organized and curated, with the support of the German Minsitry of Education 
Google Schollar: The most widely used scholarly digital database, Google Scholar is not a curated index, but offers ample free access to the academic and general public
JURN: Curated version of the Google Scholar search engine, aiming at refining it towards a selected group of curated quality materials
Latindex: An iniciative by the University of Mexico in 1995, presently the largest database for quality digital scholarly materials in Spanish and Portuguese, covering the most important University repositories in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico: Based in Spain, the Red Iberoamericana (Iberian-American Network) aims at quality curating and adding value to scholarly digital documents in the Ibero-american languages, also with scope over Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras: ( was one of the first digital databases of scholarly materials in Brazil, and to this date aims at organizing digital academic journals in Portuguese, with a national scope