The Perception of yes-no questions across varieties of Brazilian Portuguese
Yes-no questions, Intonational variation, Perception across varieties, Brazilian PortugueseResumo
This paper studies the perception of information-seeking yes-no questionintonation across varieties of Brazilian Portuguese spoken along the Atlantic Coast, namely Paraíba (North), Minas Gerais (Center)and Rio Grande do Sul (South). The hypothesis that the distinctionsfound in production studies, leading to major dialectal areas, are reflected in the perception patterns of native speakers was confirmed. Two main intonational areas were established: the North, characterized by a rising nuclear contour, and the Center-South characterized by a rising-falling nuclear contour. Speakers from the North did not perceive differences between native and non-native patterns, whereas speakers from the Center-South clearly perceived them. This finding indicates a perception boundary across varieties. Developed within the Interactive Atlas of the Prosody of PortugueseProject, this work contributes to extend and deepen current knowledge of the intonational system of Portuguese, by offering an integrated approach (that combines production and perception) to the study of intonational variation in yes-no questions
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