Technical assistance for social housing to promote healthy habitat
Healthy habitat, Social housin, Technical assistanc, ParticipationAbstract
The precariousness of housing conditions in Brazil has serious implications for healthy habitat. In the year 2020, the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, added urgency to the discussions about healthy housing, especially on the outskirts of cities; where the greatest needs are found: habitability, water supply, infrastructure and basic sanitation. In this context, the application of Law 11,888 of 2008, of Technical Assistance in Social Housing (ATHIS), has provided opportunities for the work of architecture professionals for the low-income population. In addition, ATHIS initiatives have sought to consolidate social housing projects that result in the production of healthier housing units. This article presents a case study on the ATHIS development process for a community of 68 families in the city of São Leopoldo, Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul. The objective of this study was to understand how ATHIS process can contribute to the promotion of healthy habitat for low-income populations. The data collection techniques used were: document analysis, non-participant unsystematic observation and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that: i) ATHIS involving the population through a participatory process, contributes to the improvement of the habitability conditions of the populations involved; ii) ATHIS can contribute to the consolidation of a healthy habitat by improving the quality of the urban and housing environment, with emphasis on basic sanitation conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Josiane Andréia Scotton, Luciana Inês Gomes Miron, Inês Martina Lersch

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
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