Practical-reflective teaching from the perspective of neuroeducation: Institutional relations projects as a strategy for consolidating the teaching of architectural design
Architecture and Urbanism teaching, Institutional relations projects, Brain Based LearningAbstract
The appropriation and appreciation of our cultural heritage can promote an incentive to preserve the cultural heritage and one of the challenges inherited in this process is to develop an awareness-raising action, in which the community can participate in the educational process. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze how practical-reflective teaching can be adopted in undergraduate and graduate courses, to enhance reflective, creative and collaborative skills in students. The research, of an exploratory nature, uses neuroeducation and active methodologies as a theoretical reference, in addition to a case study, as an empirical procedure for observations and experiences, based on the project “Capixaba Memory and Heritage Education”, that has been developed by the Post-Graduate Program XXXX, in partnership with the Undergraduate Courses in Architecture and Urbanism and Pedagogy at Universidade XXXX. The main project proposal is to take heritage education to public schools as a complement to curricular training. Based on the application of neuroeducational strategies, as well as the use of the Brain Based Learning concept, undergraduate and graduate students developed a game, with a final project that has been designed in Autocad program, and executed in the university's model with recycled material. It is concluded that the understanding of the neuroeducational strategies applied in projects contributes to the development of practical-reflexive skills essential for students of Architecture and Urbanism courses, to reach project competences/skills in interdisciplinary areas of their profession.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claudio Lima Ferreira, Melissa Ramos da Silva Oliveira, Miriam Therezinha Lona, Rosana Silva Vieira Sbruzzi, Kárita de Souza Nunes

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