Additive manufacturing as a support of collaborative and interdisciplinary learning in AEC: an integrative experience with the future graphic expression professional




Impressão 3D, Ensino interdisciplinar, Aprendizagem significativa, Tecnologias digitais


In a Brazilian scenario of low productivity and competitiveness in the civil construction industry, two of the most relevant aspects for this are: the precarious professional education in the area and the delays in the technologies adoption. It is not by chance that the emergence of new professionals capable of collaborate in the AEC ecosystem is identified, helping precisely in the adoption of these technologies. This is the case of the Graphic Expression professional from Federal University of Paraná. This work analyzes the compatibility of the Brazilian National Curriculum Guidelines of the Bachelor's degrees in Architecture and Urbanism and Civil Engineering with the characteristics of the recent Graphic Expression Course. A possible integration of these courses is presented with the use of Additive Manufacturing as a tool for stimulating learning, collaboration between students and facilitating the teaching-learning process. This experience uses additive manufacturing in an optional collaborative discipline among students of Architecture and Graphic Expression at the Federal University of Paraná. It was proposed the development, in multidisciplinary teams, of didactic physical models for teaching structural systems. It was noticed the effectiveness of the models for explaining abstract theoretical concepts and that their creation generates possibilities for discussions that reinforce meaningful learning. The Graphic Expression student was able to collaborate in the AEC environment, helping during the creative process with the expertise on additive manufacturing, which presented itself as an important tool that allows to optimize both the design process and the teaching process.


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Author Biographies

  • Márcio Henrique de Sousa Carboni, Federal University of Paraná

    Architect and urban planner graduated from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR - 2009) and master's degree from the Graduate Program in Civil Construction Engineering (PPGECC - 2012) at the same university and is currently pursuing a PhD in the same program (2018-to present). He taught architectural design courses at the Architecture and Urbanism course at UFPR, and at PUC-PR. He is currently working at the Graphic Expression Department and is a professor at the Graphic Expression Course at UFPR and teaches Architectural Design, Prototyping, 3D Modeling and Animation, and 2D and 3D Digital Representation Techniques. He works mainly in the following subjects: Architectural Design, Building Information Technology, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Digital Modeling, Prototyping and 3D Printing. He coordinated the extension project entitled LAMP-Laboratory of Modeling and Prototyping from 2016 to 2019 and was Head of the Graphic Expression Department (2018-2019 management).

  • Sérgio Scheer, Federal University of Paraná

    Sergio Scheer is an Associate Consultant at Academic Ventures and continues to act as Lead Researcher and Senior Professor at the Center for Civil Engineering Studies at the Federal University of Paraná, where he was a Full Professor with activities from August 1981 to April 2017. He has a degree in Civil Engineering ( UFPR, 1980) and a master's degree in Civil Engineering - Structures (UFRGS, 1982). He completed his PhD in Informatics / Computer Graphics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in 1993. From October / 2014 to September / 2015 he held a post-doctoral internship (Visiting Scholar) at the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) at Stanford University in California. He regularly works as an ad hoc consultant for CAPES, CNPq, FINEP, Fundação Araucária in Paraná, FAPEMIG, FACEPE and FAPESP. Specialist appointed to the Ad Hoc Commission for Technological Infrastructure of the Strategic Committee for the Implementation of BIM in the Federal Government (CE-BIM - Nov/2017 to Jun/2018). At the Federal University of Paraná, he held relevant administrative positions such as Director of the Computer Center (1994-1998), Director of the Center for Civil Engineering Studies (1989-1995 and 1998-2008), Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program -Graduate in Numerical Methods in Engineering (between 2004 and 2008), Executive Director of the Innovation Agency (January/2009 to July/2011) and Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (January/2009 to March/2013). He is a member of the ASCE Global Center of Excellence in Computing and the education committee of the ASCE Technical Council on Computing and Information Technology (TCCIT). He is the representative member of Brazil on the Board of Directors of the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ISCCBE). He was a member of the Working Committee for Information Technology (WC 6) of the International Association for Bridges and Structural Engineering (IABSE) from 2001 to 2009. He was one of the creators and coordinator of the Working Group on Information and Communication Technology (GT.TIC) (2012) -2017) of the National Association of Built Environment Technology (ANTAC) being the current President of the same ANTAC (2018-2022). In September 2020, he joined the Board of BIM Forum Brasil as its vice president. He has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals and over 290 papers in conference proceedings. It has 18 book chapters and 7 edited books. It has 8 technical productions in software and another 10 technical production items. He supervised 60 master's dissertations and ten doctoral theses, in addition to having supervised more than 30 scientific initiation works in the areas of Computer Science, Civil Engineering and Educational Technologies. He received 10 awards and honors. He currently leads two research groups and coordinates four research projects, working in cooperation with groups from other Brazilian and foreign universities. Works in Civil Engineering (computer applications, virtual environments for collaborative projects, information and communication technologies (ICT) and Building Information Modeling (BIM)) and Computer Science, with emphasis on Graphics Processing (Graphics), visualization, reality virtual and augmented and collaboration interfaces. In his Lattes curriculum, the most frequent terms in the context of scientific and technological production are: distance education, innovation, civil construction, educational objects, engineering education, structural engineering, design process, information technology and modeling, BIM, collaborative work networking, virtual environments, visualization and hypermedia.


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How to Cite

CARBONI, Márcio Henrique de Sousa; SCHEER, Sérgio. Additive manufacturing as a support of collaborative and interdisciplinary learning in AEC: an integrative experience with the future graphic expression professional. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 18, n. 1, p. 195–218, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v18i1.201918. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.