IArt-à-porter: fashion in the age of artificial intelligence





Fashion, semiotics, artificial intelligence, representation, simulation, machination


The fashion system has been immediately colonized by generative multimodal artificial intelligence (AI): from the creative design of figurines and patterns to audiovisual marketing and advertising campaigns, everything can now be generated and run from the logic of the algorithm used by AI tools. This early invasion of these applications lies in an intermediate stage between virtual reality and artificial intelligence known as the metaverse. These immersive hybrid virtual spaces constitute the immediate precedent of the AI used by fashion brands such as Gucci. Thus, AI recreate virtual spaces and models, increasingly difficult to distinguish from real models, presented at IAFashion Week. We will try to define the semiotic modality of this radically disruptive techno-communicational phenomenon that, in contrast to the Representation typical of analog media and the simulation characteristic of digital media, will be defined from the concept of machination.


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Author Biography

  • José María Paz Gago, Universidade de Corunha

    Professor catedrático de Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Comparada na Universidade de Corunha (Espanha). Especializado nas relações da literatura com as artes do espetáculo, o cinema e a moda, foi professor visitante na Paris3-Nouvelle Sorbonne, na Universidade da California-Santa Bárbara e na Universidade Autônoma da Colômbia.


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How to Cite

Paz Gago, J. M. (2024). IArt-à-porter: fashion in the age of artificial intelligence. MATRIZes, 18(3), 85-96. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v18i3p85-96