Advertising magic: the art of mediation




Advertising, magic, symbolic efficacy, catharsis, participatory community


The article develops an anthropological and semiotic approach to advertising spots that narratively place a product on stage. The hypothesis is that advertising appeals to the same resources as magic. For the magical-advertising act to be effective, the necessary ritual conditions of its presentation must be set: through catharsis, a feeling of community that involves all the characters participating in the scene is created. The presence of observers is unavoidable as they are mediators in the production of catharsis. Thus, the magical-advertising causality spreads, not only among the characters, but goes beyond the statement to reach the viewer.


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Author Biography

  • Roberto Flores, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia do Mexico

    Doutor em ciencias del lenguaje, com especialidade en semiótica, pela Universidad de París III. Professor e pesquisador no Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, do Mexico. Suas pesquisas abordam as ciências antropológicas com um enfoque semiótico.


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How to Cite

Flores, R. (2024). Advertising magic: the art of mediation. MATRIZes, 18(3), 347-357.