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Author Guidelines

Organicom – Revista Brasileira de Comunicação Organizacional e Relações Públicas (Brazilian Journal of Organizational Communication and Public Relations) has the objective of being an effective instrument of collaboration, debate and approach between academic studies and practical applications. For this purpose it is aimed at professors, researchers, professionals, graduate and post-graduate students, universities, institutions and other bodies interested in Communication and Public Relations.

Organicom accepts the contribution of authors who propose texts that are pertinent to the objective of the magazine and to its target publics.


As part of the process of submission, the authors are required to verify the conformity of the submission in relation to all of the items listed below. Any submissions that are not in accordance with the rules shall be returned to the authors. 

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being assessed for publication in another magazine. Otherwise this must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.
  2. All of the publication rules must be strictly respected, subject to penalty of the collaboration being refused. The authors will be contacted to remedy any faults. Organicom reserves the right of effecting corrections, adaptations and alterations without consulting the authors.
  3. In the event of submission to a session with assessment by the peers (e.g.: articles), the instructions are available in Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega (Assuring the blind assessment by the peers)were followed.
  4. The opinions expressed in the articles are responsibilities of the author, who commits to respect the ethical principles of scientific research.
  5. The submission implies assignment of rights of the first publication to the Organicom magazine, without any payment. The authors may establish separately additional agreements for non-exclusive distribution of a version of the work published in the magazine (such as placing it in an institutional repository or publishing a book), with due acknowledgement of its initial publication in the Organicom journal.
  6. Authors of articles and researchers must have a Ph.D. or be candidates for doctors’ degrees. If there are co-authors they must be Ph.Ds, candidates for doctors’ degrees, masters and/or candidates for masters’ degrees. Authors of depositions and reviews must hold at least a post-graduate degree.



The Organicom editorial project provides for the following types of collaboration:

Unpublished articles and Researches: not more than 5.000 words, including bibliographic references, if any. Minimum required structure:

  • Title: at most 15 words.
  • Abstract: not to exceed 80 words and not more than five key-words.
  • Introduction.
  • Theoretical reference.
  • Methodology. 
  • Results. 
  • Discussion and conclusions. 
  • References

Testimonials: up to 2,500 words, including bibliographic references, if any;


Reviews (books and monographs): up to 1.800 words.

They must have an original title;
They must contain the complete reference of the analyzed work: authors or organizers, publisher, year of publication and number of pages;
They must be accompanied by a photo of the cover of the reviewed work, scanned with high quality.



Texts will be received in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.

Title, abstract and keywords of Brazilian authors must be in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Title, abstract and keywords of authors from other countries must be in the original language and in English, the journal being responsible for the translation into Portuguese.


Author identification

Authors must send, together with their contributions, the following information:

  • Academic data related to institutional affiliation, position, title and main publications;
  • Professional history;
  • Mailing address, telephone and e-mail (this will be published);

The authors identifying text must contain, at most, 1.000 characters (with spaces), either for one or more authors.

These data must be sent by system in a separate file from the article submitted for review so that blind peer review can be guaranteed.



The text must be in Word format, in Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 spacing between lines and double spacing between paragraphs. The text margins must be 3 cm.


Notes, citations and references

The explanatory notes must be presented at the foot of the page, in size 10, with the numbering following the order of appearance.

Citation sources must be identified within the text (source, year and citation page).

Quotations and final references (in alphabetical order) must follow the standards NBR 10502 and NBR 6023 of ABNT. If authors from other countries use a different system (Vancouver, etc.), the journal will standardize them according to the aforementioned norms.



Figures must be sent in separate files, and numbered with the proper caption and authorship reference (when reproduced). Its place of insertion must be indicated in the text.

Photographs and maps, as well as complex organizational charts, diagrams and flowcharts, must be in suitable printable formats (300 dpi at 20 cm wide).

Other elements, such as charts, graphs and tables, in addition to organization charts, diagrams and simple flowcharts, will be redesigned and adapted to Organicom's graphic standards.


As long as they fall within the journal's Focus and Scope and as long as they follow the general and specific rules for online submission, the manuscripts sent for analysis will be submitted to two members of the Editorial Board for an opinion that evaluates the text based on quality credits. , methodology and adequacy to the objectives and standards established in these Standards. First, the editors and the editorial team verify that the texts comply with the formal criteria established by the journal's norms. Only articles that meet the standards will be sent, without any author identification, for evaluation by at least two reviewers, who may be from the Editorial Board or, even, ad hoc advisors. Two favorable opinions enable the text for publication, as well as two unfavorable ones invalidate it. One favorable and one unfavorable will lead to a third consultation. Those responsible for the evaluation will be designated according to the research line and theme developed by the author. All authors will receive detailed information about the evaluation process of their text, which can be accepted, accepted with reservations (amendments or additions) or refused.


Authors must submit their contributions in electronic format through the journal's portal, The author must register by clicking on the icon REGISTER at the top of the page and filling out the form with your data – at the end, do not forget to select the option "Register as - Author: submit to the journal". After completing your registration, the system will provide instructions for the upload. For questions or information, please email us or contact us by phone.


Ethics Policy

Acceptance of complaints and investigation of misconduct

Duplication, when identified during the evaluation process, will be a reason to return the text to the author, who will be contacted by the editorial committee and prevented from publishing in the journal for a period established by the evaluation committee. If duplicity is verified after publication in the journal Organicom, the text will be removed, identified as such and the author prevented from publishing in the journal for a period established by the review committee.

Every submitted article will undergo verification of duplicity, based on excerpts taken randomly from the submissions and digitally verified.

Any allegations of plagiarism as well as investigation of authors' misconduct will be submitted to the journal's editorial committee and, if understood, forwarded to an ah doc committee for evaluation and opinion.

Conflicts of interest

There will be meticulous observance so that submissions are not forwarded to reviewers in which there is the possibility of an institutional link, even if the reviews are made in blind review systems.

Any submissions from members of the journal's editorial committee must be sent to peer reviewers without the author's knowledge.

Ethical supervision

Based on current norms related to scientific journals of the University of São Paulo, the editorial committee will prepare specific guidelines for the Organicom magazine.

Post-publication corrections

Post-publication corrections should be studied on a case-by-case basis, when pertinent. These corrections must be justified by the author and evaluated by the electoral committee.



Authors of articles that result from research with people must present in the submission an approval opinion by an ethics committee and a free consent form from the individuals interviewed in the study.

When there is self-citation in the article, the author's name must be removed from the body of the work and references and replaced by AUTHOR. At the time of submission, the author must submit two separate files, one without an indication of the authors of the text and the other complete, with an indication of authorship. When the authorship can be identified, the article will be unpublished and returned to the author.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being assessed for publication in another magazine. Otherwise this must be justified in “Comments to the editor”.
  • All of the publication rules must be strictly respected, subject to penalty of the collaboration being refused. The authors will be contacted to remedy any faults. Organicom reserves the right of effecting corrections, adaptations and alterations without consulting the authors
  • The submission implies assignment of rights of the first publication to the Organicom magazine, without any payment. The authors may establish separately additional agreements for non-exclusive distribution of a version of the work published in the magazine (such as placing it in an institutional repository or publishing a book), with due acknowledgement of its initial publication in the Organicom journal.
  • Authors of articles and researchers must have a Ph.D. or be candidates for doctors’ degrees. If there are co-authors they must be Ph.Ds, candidates for doctors’ degrees, masters and/or candidates for masters’ degrees. Authors of depositions and reviews must hold at least a post-graduate degree.
  • In the event of submission to a session with assessment by the peers (e.g.: articles), the instructions are available in Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega (Assuring the blind assessment by the peers)were followed.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.