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Author Guidelines


The Revista de Direito Sanitário adopts the editorial norms of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) to scientific articles. 

Papers submitted for the sections "Original articles" and "Argument" should have a maximum of 10,000 thousands words, including title, abstract, keyword, footnotes and references.

Texts submitted for the section "Jurisprudence in perspective/ Case studies" should have a maximum of 6,000 thousands words, including title, abstract, keyword, footnotes and references.

The book reviews should have a maximum of 3,000 thousands words, including title, footnotes and references. 



Manuscripts submittedn must be folowed by the documents (which must be inserted in the platform as supplementary files):

1. Presentation page informing:

Title of the manuscript in the original language and in English
Authors' names (without title)
Institutional affiliation: Institution. City/ State, country.
Presentation of the authors (mini-resume with a maximum of 70 words)
Correspondence author and e-mail address
Conflict of interest statement: if there is no conflict of interest, use the standard phrase: "The authors declare that there is no professional or personal interest that could generate a conflict of interest in relation to this manuscript" (See item Conflicts of interest, in Editorial Policy).
Funding sources: if the research project has been funded by a public and / or private institution, inform the funding, according to the following model: Name of the funding institution. Name of the funded project. Project identifier number. (See item Sources of financing, in Editorial Policy)
In case of manuscript presented at an event, the following must be indicated: Name of the event, City, country, Date of realization mm / dd / yyyy to mm / dd / yyyy.
In case of manuscript based on a thesis or dissertation, the following must be informed: Name of the author. (year). Title of thesis / dissertation (Dissertation / Thesis). Name of the institution where it was held. City.

2. Copyright transfer and authors responsibility agreement

Copyright transfer and authors responsibility agreement

Title of the manuscript:


By signing this agreement, I (we) declare that in case of acceptance of this manuscript by the Revista de Direito Sanitário, I (we) agree to transfer all copyrights of this work to the Journal and to its publishers, the Institute of Research in Health Law of the University of São Paulo and of the Center of Study and Research in Health Law, under the Creative Commons "Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)".


I (we) also certify that this is an original manuscript, with authentic data, free of fraud and plagiarism; that it is being submitted only to the Revista de Direito Sanitário; and that no other manuscript of my (our) authoring features substantially similar content to this. 

All of the authors state that contributed to the work according to the international guidelines of authorial responsibility.




1. Title in the original idiom and in English

2. Abstract

The abstract should be composed by a sequence of phrases and not by topics. It should not exceed 300 words and it has to clearly indicate the purpose of work and its results.

3. Keywords

It is accepted no more than five (5) keywords, which should represent the content of the manuscript.



References should be indicated as footnotes, considering that the first citation of one publication (papers, documents, links etc.) should present its complete reference (author, title, local, publisher and date; initial and final pages, in case of a chapter of a book or part of a document).

All the publications mentioned in the manuscript must be included in the bibliography which should be presented at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order.

Examples of references

1) Books with a specific author:
PIAGET, Jean. What happens to education?  Rio de Janeiro: J. Olimpio, 1980.

2) Books without a specific author:
THE RIGHT to health in the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. Brasília: Pan American Health Organization, 1994. (Law and Health Series, n. 4).

3) Chapters in books:
DALLARI, Dalmo de Abreu. Bioethics and human rights. In: COSTA, Sérgio Ferreira Ibiapina; Bottle, Volnei; Oselka, Gabriel (Eds.). Initiation to bioethics. Brasilia: Conselho Federal de Medicina, 1998. p. 231-241.

4) Papers:
DALLARI, Sueli Gandolfi. A new discipline: health law. Journal of Public Health, São Paulo,  v. 22, n. 4, p. 327-334, 1998.

5) Dissertations and theses:
BASTOS, Lisiane Alcantara. The integration of international standards to the Brazilian legal system: the case of Convention 158 of ILO - International Labour Organization. 1997. Dissertations (Master) - Faculty of Law, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 1997.

6) Electronic documents:
DALLARI, Sueli Gandolfi. The justice, law and the epidemiological databases. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v.12, n.3, p.633-641, jun.2007. SciELO Brazil. Available at: Accessed on: 30 September 2007. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated by any publication.
  • The manuscript was prepared in compliance with the terms of the publication's editorial policy.
  • The paper has title, abstract and keywords.
  • The authors mentioned in the text are referenced in footnotes and vice-versa.
  • All publications cited in the text appear in the references list.
  • The manuscript's authors have ORCID.
  • The document "Copyright transfer and authors responsibility agreement" was uploaded as suplementar file.

Original Articles

Extensão máxima: 10 mil palavras, incluindo referências e notas de rodapé.


Apresentação de artigos de pesquisa originais e inéditos.

Extensão máxima: 10 mil palavras, incluindo referências e notas de rodapé.

Jurisprudence in Perspectives/ Case Studies

Extensão máxima: 6 mil palavras, incluindo referências e notas de rodapé.


Extensão máxima: 3 mil palavras, incluindo referências e notas de rodapé.

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The names and addresses registered in this system will be used exclusively by the Journal of Health Law, in the process of paper submission and review and for communication of new editions.

The information entered in this system are confidential and will not be made available to others.