Civil (dis)ability of the person with Alzheimer’s disease:

Multiprofessional team performance as endorsement for decision making


  • Luzia Cristina Antoniossi Monteiro Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Programas de Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia e em Ciência. São Carlos/SP
  • Tiago da Silva Alexandre Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Programas de Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia e em Fisioterapia. São Carlos/SP
  • Nayara Mendes Silva Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais. São Carlos/SP



Alzheimer’s Disease, Ageing, Legislation, Health Planning


With the aging of the population, health problems tend to escalate, and consequently, legal demands on issues related to health. From the Brazilian Statute of the Person with Disabilities, which dissociates capacity from disability, the interdiction of the person with Alzheimer’s disease becomes emblematic. In this sense, this article aims to provide legal support for health professionals’ in decision-making. It is a qualitative study, developed through documentary analysis of the Civil Code and the Brazilian Statute of the Person with Disabilities, as well as a narrative review to identify reflections on the above-mentioned legislation and Alzheimer’s disease. Legal progress has been made in the quest for equity among human beings, but in the case of a progressive, irreversible and insidious disease such as Alzheimer, it is evident that both health and legal teams need to intervene to protect the rights and dignity of the human person through curatorship.


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Author Biographies

  • Luzia Cristina Antoniossi Monteiro, Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Programas de Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia e em Ciência. São Carlos/SP

    PhD and Master of Urban Engineering from Universidade Federal de São Carlos (PPGEU/UFSCar); Specialist course on Corporate Law from the Instituto Nacional de Pós-Graduação. Adjunct professor of the Gerontology Department, of the Post Graduation Program in Gerontology (PPGGero) and the Post Graduation Program of Environmental Sciences (PPGCAm) of UFSCar; Leader of the Law, City and Ageing Research Group. Lawyer. São Carlos/SP.

  • Tiago da Silva Alexandre, Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Programas de Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia e em Fisioterapia. São Carlos/SP

    Post doctoral degree in Epidemiology and Public Health from University College London; PhD in Public Health from Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Master of Rehabilitation from Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp); specialized in Gerontology at Unifesp and at the Brazilian Society of Geriatry and Gerontology  (Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia - SBGG). Adjunct Professor of the Gerontology Department and both the Post graduation Course in Gerontology and Physiotherapy Programs of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Scientific Director of the Brazilian Association of Physiotherapy in Gerontology (Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia em Gerontologia); president of the Gerontology Department at SBGG-SP. Physiotherapist. São Carlos/SP.

  • Nayara Mendes Silva, Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais. São Carlos/SP

    Student of the Pós-Graduate Degree Program in Environmental Sciences (PPGCAm) of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar); Master Degree from the Post Graduation Program in Gerontology (PPGGero) from UFSCar; member of the Law, City and Ageing Research Group. São Carlos/SP.


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How to Cite

Monteiro, L. C. A., Alexandre, T. da S., & Silva, N. M. (2020). Civil (dis)ability of the person with Alzheimer’s disease:: Multiprofessional team performance as endorsement for decision making. Journal of Health Law, 20(2), 30-46.