Lawrence of Brezova's hussite chronicle and its czech nationalist self-image


  • Thiago Borges Aguiar Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
  • Davi Costa da Silva Universidade de São Paulo



Husitská kronika, fifteenth century, Bohemia.


In this paper, we recover an early fifteenth century Bohemian chronicle entitled Husitská kronika (in Czech or Hussite chronicle in English) written by Vavřinec z Březové (Lawrence of Brezova), master of arts from the University of Prague. In that document, the author describes the events ranging from the acceptance of communion in both kinds to the first battles of the Hussite Wars, 1414-1421. Given the absence of material regarding this document in Portuguese, this article will reconstruct the biographical traces of its author and map the chronicle from two versions published in Czech in the second half of the twentieth century. Further, as a first approach to the text, we will make an overview of the nationalist self-image that the author helps build from the association between being a true Czech and a true believer.


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Author Biographies

  • Thiago Borges Aguiar, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba

    Pedagogo e doutor em Educação. Professor e pesquisador na área de História da Educação. Financiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp) e Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

  • Davi Costa da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo
    Bacharel em Ciências Sociais. Financiado pela Fundação de Apoio à Faculdade de Educação






How to Cite

AGUIAR, Thiago Borges; SILVA, Davi Costa da. Lawrence of Brezova’s hussite chronicle and its czech nationalist self-image. Revista de História, São Paulo, n. 174, p. 381–405, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9141.rh.2016.115379. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.