Osirian circuit in TT49: iconography, epigraphy and symbolism in a transition tomb


  • Mariano Bonanno Universidad de Buenos Aires




Theban tombs, Post-Amarna, Osiris, Ritual circulation, Spaces


The Osirian figure and world, neutralized by Akhenaten, have as counterpart a reaction embodied in the post-Amarnian integral reaction. This response involves both the iconographic repertoire embodied in the representations and in the epigraphic registers of the tombs. In this way, and beyond the strictly Osirian figure, the conception of the Hereafter regains a place previously annulled during the Amarnian interregnum. The tomb of Neferhotep (TT49), dated in the reign of Pharaoh Ay (c.a. 1323-1320) is therefore a transitional tomb that offers extraordinary stylistic characteristics. What is proposed here is a detailed analysis of the presence of the god Osiris in the two-dimensional representations as well as in the epigraphic record in the context of the tomb. Then, emphasizing in the chapel in particular, an interpretation of the symbolism linking the south west pillar with the south wall of the statues niche and the stele on the west wall, south side, will be presented.


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Author Biography

  • Mariano Bonanno, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Investigador independiente. Co-director del Iconographic Project of Neferhotep Chapel (TT49) – Luxor (Gerda Henkel Stiftung).


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How to Cite

BONANNO, Mariano. Osirian circuit in TT49: iconography, epigraphy and symbolism in a transition tomb. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 38, p. 129–143, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2448-1750.revmae.2022.189215. Disponível em: https://periodicos.usp.br/revmae/article/view/189215.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.