Comprehensive care for childhood obesity in Brazilian municipalities




Comprehensive Health Care, Child Care, Childhood Obesity, Primary Health Care


OBJECTIVE: To understand the potential and limits of care for childhood obesity from the perspective of comprehensiveness, in the context of Primary Health Care, in Brazilian municipalities.

METHODS: A qualitative approach was adopted, with an electronic form of a dissertative nature being applied in 11 municipalities in the five Brazilian regions, derived from the four axes of comprehensiveness defined by Ayres (needs, purposes, articulations, and interactions).

RESULTS: Among the strengths for comprehensive care, the following were observed: the provision of services at different levels of care; the relevance of intersectoral programs in the development of actions aimed at the multidimensionality of childhood obesity; the implementation of strategies for systematizing care and tools that encourage the expansion of dialogue and humanization; and intersectoral coordination to create appropriate responses to the expanded needs of children and their families. Limitations include: the centralization of actions in nutrition professionals and in the care sphere; the failure to prioritize childhood obesity in health agendas; and the lack of trained professionals to deal with the complexity of obesity.

CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that child obesity care practices, in order to be transformative, need to be understood in the context of comprehensiveness. And this includes (re)thinking public policies, professional practices, and the organization of work processes so that they are, in fact, more inclusive, participatory, dialogical, humanized, supportive, fair, and, therefore, effective.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Barbosa, M. I. de C., Paula, L. S. de, & Recine, E. (2024). Comprehensive care for childhood obesity in Brazilian municipalities. Revista De Saúde Pública, 58(1), 33.