Gramado Jornada Virtual: an analysis of its cultural curriculum
Cultural curriculum, Gramado, Tourism, GamificationAbstract
developed with financial support from the Municipal Secretary of Culture of Gramado, is available for download on Google Play and Apple Store platforms. Like an interactive book, it tells the origin of these cities, their colonizers, as well as presents information about sights and events. It also has some games and resources that, for instance, allow users to take selfies as if they were in Gramado. Through the theoretical framework of Cultural Studies, this article intends to expand the notions of curriculum beyond the boundaries of the school, based on what Costa, Wortmann and Bonin (2016) call the Cultural Curriculum and, therefore, to find answers to the following questions: how are theorizations about cultural curriculum observed in Gramado Jornada Virtual? What effects does this app produce on the city’s tourist image and under what intentions? What kind of relationship is established between this app and touristic marketing in Gramado? Through the Cultural Analyzes that were carried out on this app, it was possible to perceive the diffusion of particular narratives, revealing, at its core, a process of selection of discourses very similar to that practiced within school curricula, with the purpose of reinforcing the production of a touristic image of Gramado associated with European characteristics. Besides, the potential gamification environment for the promotion of tacit marketing strategies, aimed mainly at children, under the aegis of influencing the adult consumer market, was also observed.
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