Low cost of adaptive devices: a literature review of its utilization by Brazilian occupational therapists
Low cost technology, Self-helh devices^i2^sutilizat, Low costAbstract
Assistive Technology is a broad science related to planning and designing products, such as adaptive devices aiming the enhancement of performance of activities by disabled people. In the development countries such as Brazil, this products have limited application because its high cost makes the treatment expensive. In a way of minimize this problem, Brazilian occupational therapists have been using, in the clinical management, low cost prefabricated products and alternative materials to manufacture adaptations. This review presents an analysis of scientific work written between 2000 and 2008 about the utilization of low cost adaptations. The analysis considered eight questions related to the materials used, the adaptations efficacy, psychosocial aspects, cosmetics, materials proprieties, selection and prescription process, confection and socioeconomics aspects involved in the device utilization. It was concluded in the elaboration of this work that the low cost adaptations are important resources enhancing the disabled people performance, being designed and applied by Brazilian occupational therapists to equip this population with opportunities in a way of contribute to their well being and independence.Downloads
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How to Cite
Hohmann, P., & Cassapian, M. R. (2011). Low cost of adaptive devices: a literature review of its utilization by Brazilian occupational therapists . Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 22(1), 10-18. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-6149.v22i1p10-18