Sound, Matter and Memory

questions of translation in Andrei Bely's Petersburg (1916)




Andrei Bely, Petersburg, Symbolism, translation


This article discusses the Portuguese translation of Andrei Bely’s Petersburg (1916), undertaken by the author for Brazil’s Editora 34 (forthcoming). Amidst the various challenges posed by the novel for aspiring translators, the article focuses on 1) Bely’s musical writing, reminiscent of motivic development in operatic or orchestral pieces; 2) the author’s creative use of the morphological possibilities of the Russian language; 3) use of deictic markers in narratological focalization; 4) puns; and 5) passages governed by phonetic concerns. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various possible solutions.


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Author Biography


BELY, Andrei. Petersburg. Translated by David McDuff, London: Penguin Books, 1995.

BELY, Andrei. Petersburg. Translated by John Elsworth. London: Puhskin Press, 2009.

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BELYI, Andrei. Peterburg: Roman s vos’mi glavakh s prologom i epilogom. Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Nauka, 1981.

BELYI, Andrei. Simfonii. Leningrad: Khudojestvennaia literatura, 1991.

BELYI, Andrei. Glossolalia: Poema o zvuke. Dornach: Pforte Verlag, 2003.

BERDIAEV, Nikolai Aleksandrovich. “Astral’nyi roman” (Razmyshlenie po povodu romana A. Belogo ‘Peterburg’)”. In N. A. Berdiaev: O russkikh klassikakh, 310-17. Moskva: Vysshaia shkola, 1993.

BORGES, Jorge Luiz. El hacedor. Madrid: Alianza Editora, 1995.

ELSWORTH, John. “On Translating Petersburg”. In: A Reader’s Guide to Andrei Bely’s Petersburg. Edited by Leonid Livak. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2019, p. 24-36.

KHLEBNIKOV, Velimir. Sobranie sochinenii v chesti tomakh. Tom 1. Moskva: IMLI RAN “Nasledie”, 2000.

PUCHKIN, Aleksandr. Boris Godunov. In: Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Tom 5. Moskva: Nauka, 1964.

The Lady in the Lake. Robert Montgomery. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. United States, 1947, filme. (105 min.)

The Lonedale Operator. D. W. Griffith. Biograph Company. United States, 1911, filme. (17 min.)

TOPOROV, V. N. “Peterburg i ‘Peterburgskii tekst russkoi literatury’”. In: Toporov, V. N. Mif. Ritual. Simvol. Obraz: Issledovania v oblasti mifopoeticheskogo: Izbrannnoe. Moskva: Isdatel’skaia Gruppa “Progress”- “Kul’tura”, 1995.



How to Cite

Molina, D. G. (2020). Sound, Matter and Memory: questions of translation in Andrei Bely’s Petersburg (1916). RUS (Sao Paulo), 11(17), 112-131.