Translation and Voice




Voice, Rhythm, Translation, Nikolai Gógol, Fiódor Dostoiévski


The word “literature” refers to letter, but, paradoxically, the emotional dimension of words, its basic material, only manifests itself as resonance. The voice, that which is “discarded” –the voice as sound, as diction, as mimicry, as identity− has itself an extraordinary importance for the configuration of the Russian literature at large and for the literature of authors such as Gogol, Dostoievsky and Platonov in particular. This paper offers a brief historical review of the development of the Russian literary language and characterizes some stylistic aspects related to the voice of these emblematic authors so as to finally reflect on the importance of taking such aspects into account when translating.


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Author Biography

  • Omar Lobos, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Docente de la cátedra de Literaturas Eslavas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), así como de Lengua Española en la Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Miembro fundador de la Sociedad Argentina Dostoievski. 


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