Imagining the national community in the orientalist world-system: the case of the founders of portuguese romanticism




Alexandre Herculano, Almeida Garrett, orientalism, Portugal, modern world-system


The works of the Portuguese Almeida Garrett (1799-1854) and Alexandre Herculano (1810-1877), considered as the initiators of the Portuguese Romanticism, had not been associated with the Orient, let alone Orientalism. In literary or historiographical texts, Garrett and Herculano essentially dealt with the Arab-Muslim domination of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, which meant that, in the critical tradition, their works with this theme were circumscribed to the field of national romantic medievalism. In our view, the representation that these two important intellectuals made of Islam contributed a lot to their aesthetic-literary designs, at the same time that Arab-Muslim civilization had special importance in the set of their programmatic concerns related to the field of the modern culture, politics and pedagogy. Based on Immanuel Wallerstein’s theory of the Modern World-System, we will argue that Orientalism was necessarily important to both writers in imagining the Portuguese national community.


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Author Biography

  • Everton V. Machado, Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Letras
    Investigador Principal no Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.      


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Dossiê 44: Colonialismo/orientalismo: figuras e figurações do Império em narrati

How to Cite

MACHADO, Everton V. Imagining the national community in the orientalist world-system: the case of the founders of portuguese romanticism. Via Atlântica, São Paulo, v. 25, n. 1, p. 10–38, 2024. DOI: 10.11606/va.i1.201872. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.