Diachronic Chinese Phonology: some clues from portuguese travel literature


  • Amilton Reis Universidade de São Paulo




Historical phonology, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese travel literature


The diachronic study of Chinese phonology requires comparing data from multiple sources. Descriptions made by foreign grammarians from 16th to 18th centuries have been instrumental the reconstruction of Ming-Qing guanhua 官話. This, however, is not the only resource: Portuguese travel literature can also make a contribution to this field of studies.


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Author Biography

  • Amilton Reis, Universidade de São Paulo

    Mestre em Filologia e Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade de São Paulo e tradutor literário chinês-português, desenvolveu pesquisa sobre os vocá-bulos chineses presentes na literatura portuguesa de viagens dos séculos XVI a XIX, revisando e atualizando as etimologias propostas no Glossário luso-asiático de Sebastião Dalgado (1919).


COBLIN, W. South. Notes on the sound system of Late Ming Guanhua. Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies. Monumenta Serica Institute, v. 45, pp. 261-307, 1997.

COBLIN, W. Francisco Varo and the sound system of Early Qing Mandarin. Journal of the American Oriental Society. University of Michigan, v. 118, n. 2, pp. 262-267,

abr./ jun. 1998.

COBLIN, W. A brief history of Mandarin. Journal of the American Oriental Society. University of Michigan, v. 120, n. 4, pp. 537-552, out./dez. 2000.

COBLIN, W. South; LEVI, Joseph A. Francisco Varo’s grammar of the Mandarin language (1703): An English translation of ‘Arte de la lengua mandarina’. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 2000.

DALGADO, Sebastião R. Glossário luso-asiático. Vol. I. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 1919.

DALGADO, Sebastião R. Glossário luso-asiático. Vol. II. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade, 1921.






How to Cite

Diachronic Chinese Phonology: some clues from portuguese travel literature. (2022). Zi Yue, 2(01), 43-48. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2675-4614.v2i01p43-48