Thinking about housing, within the house: a design experience in a pandemic context




Design Teaching, Housing, Impacts of COVID-19, Immersive Collaborative Processes


Since February 2020, the majority of the Brazilian population has been conditioned to social isolation in their homes, due to the viral pandemic caused by COVID-19, leading to the emergence of conflicts and inadequacies in housing. In this scenario, group x has sought to understand and propose more adequate solutions to this new challenge through methodological research and teaching experiences. This article brings the main results of an immersive online design workshop where innovative collaborative processes involving undergraduate and graduate students were experienced. It describes the process of creating the activity with a design act in itself, analyzes how the proposed exercises were appropriated and proposes directions for structuring this type of activity. The project of the activity, in this case, comprised the creation of favourable conditions for the creative process to take place remotely and immersive, from the exploration of collaborative movements with an emphasis on the externalization of thought, organization of ideas and constant exchange between those involved in the process. It is intended to contribute to an in-depth reflection on the teaching-learning processes in design in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism and Design and to discuss adaptive movements in the way of teaching/learning the project in the face of constant social, cultural and economic changes in society, as well as in new ways of communication and knowledge production resulting from contemporary technological development. It is expected, therefore, to offer a social and academic contribution, as this research rigorously supports future work on the issues addressed here.


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Author Biographies

  • Gabriela Pereira Carneiro, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Design

    Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design at the Federal University of Uberlândia (FAUeD-UFU). Graduated and Master in Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of São Carlos (IAU-USP). Doctor by the Graduate Program at FAU-USP, concentration area: Design and Architecture. She has worked as a professor and coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in UX and Interaction Design at the European Institute of Design (IED), innovation consultant at CRIED (IED) and professor at Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado. With international experience, since 2002, research and development of projects that explore the relationship between design, architecture and digital technology, bringing to the process of creating interfaces, objects, furniture and interactive spaces related to design thinking and user-centered design. It investigates design methodologies, co-creation and creative appropriation of digital technology.

  • Simone Barbosa Villa, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Design

    Architect and Urban Planner, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Federal University of Uberlândia. Post-doctorate from the University of Cambridge, Department of Architecture. PhD from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo. Coordinator of [MORA] Research in Housing and the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUeD/UFU. Editor in the area of ​​Architecture and Urbanism of Ambiente Construído Magazine (A2) from 2017-2021. PQ2 productivity scholarship - CNPq. Member of the Advisory Committee at FAPEMIG - Câmara Arquitetura e Engenharias - TEC. Author of the books “Environmental Quality in Housing: post-occupancy assessment”, “Post-occupancy assessment in architecture, urbanism and design: from theory to practice” and “Living in Apartments”. Works in the area of ​​Housing, Post-Occupation Assessment, Resilience, Built Environment Performance, Design Process.

  • Sâmara Cristine Pereira Lima, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Design

    Master's student in Urban Planning, in line two of research: Urban Processes: Design and Technology from the PPGAU/ FAUeD Program at the Federal University of Uberlândia. Postgraduate student in Fire Prevention Engineering at PUC Minas. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism also at UFU.

  • Anamaria Ribeiro de Lima Carvalho, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Design

    Master's student in Architecture and Urbanism, from the PPGAU/ FAUeD UFU Program in research line two: Urban Processes: Design and Technology. Researches issues related to design and sustainability in the furniture area, within the Project “Design for sustainability: designing Sustainable Product-Service Systems in distributed economies” under the guidance of Profa. Dra. Viviane dos Guimarães A. Nunes. Postgraduate in Visual Arts Teaching at UFMG/2010, she has a specialization in University Teaching at UNIUBE and a Bachelor's Degree in Decoration at the Federal University of Uberlândia.


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How to Cite

CARNEIRO, Gabriela Pereira; VILLA, Simone Barbosa; LIMA, Sâmara Cristine Pereira; CARVALHO, Anamaria Ribeiro de Lima. Thinking about housing, within the house: a design experience in a pandemic context. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 17, n. 3, p. 51–71, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v17i3.187987. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.