Vaccination in France: The Complexity of the French Case and the Necessary Adaptation of the Legal Framework to Health Crises




COVID-19, Fundamental Rights, France, Public Health, Vaccine


rance is the country in the world with the highest level of mistrust toward vaccines and the largest proportion of people hesitant to get vaccinated. This French particularism is longstanding and has various historical and sociological explanations related, among other things, to previous health crises. The aim of this article was to present and analyze the French legal framework for vaccination and the particularities linked to the COVID-19 vaccination policy in France. This article begins by addressing the French mistrust toward vaccination and the main reasons to this, through an analysis of the public health literature. Subsequently, using legislative and regulatory texts, administrative and constitutional jurisprudence, as well as legal doctrine, the legal framework of vaccination and the political-legal issues surrounding extending vaccination mandates in France were analyzed. Finally, the new special provisions related to COVID-19 vaccination resulting from pandemic crisis management were investigated.


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Author Biography

  • Bruno Ramdjee, Université Paris Cité. Institute of Law and Health. Paris, France

    PhD student in Public Law at Université Paris Cité; master's degree in Political Sciences from SciencesPo Paris. Public Health Doctor.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Ramdjee, B. (2023). Vaccination in France: The Complexity of the French Case and the Necessary Adaptation of the Legal Framework to Health Crises. Journal of Health Law, 23, e0026.